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JBL 8" Speaker Foam Surround - A810

Regular price $11.00 USD
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Single piece foam surround
(Enough for 1 speaker)

Some of the models that use this foam include :

JBL: 116A, 116H, 116H-1, 116H1, 116H-2, 116H2, 117H-1, 117H1, 208HS, 308G, 408G, 70460, 408G-1, 408G1, 408G-3, 408G3, 508G, 4208, 4301, 4301B, 4408, 4408A, 800, A608, ARC 50, ARC 70, BASS 20, J2080, J220, J220A, J320, J320A, JBL2800, JBL3800, JBL82, JBL82T, JBL 800, JBL830, JBL830T, JBL940, JBL940T, L16, L19, L19A, L40T3, L46, L60T, L86, LX-44, LX44, LX-440, LX440, LX-500, LX500, LX-60, LX60, LX-66, LX66, LX-800, LX800, LX-1000, LX1000, LXE-550, LXE550, LXE-770, LXE770, P30, P50, PRO III Plus (subwoofer), Pro Performer Plus (subwoofer), R82 Radiance, Radiance 55VX, Radiance 502VX, SE8H (332246-001), BASS 20 (subwoofer), S1, S2, SVA-1800, SVA1800, T88, TLX-14, TLX14, XPL140, TLX271P, (woofer), 331263-001, C12R, STUDIO 8, others that match the measurements shown

Same American-made surrounds that we use in our professional repair facility; NOT cheap Chinese copies!!


Outer Diameter
7.625" - 194mm
Outer Roll Diameter
7.125" - 181mm
Cone Diameter
5.875" - 148mm
Inner Diameter
5.25" - 133mm
Roll Width
5/8" - 16mm
Inner Attachment

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